Far Cry Primal's latest patch (version 1.3.0), which features a new "Survivor Mode" and a PC only downloadable Ultra-HD texture pack is now available, according to a blog released by Ubisoft on April 12. The patch also addressed several bugs and issues players may have experienced during specific missions and or locations.
Far Cry Primal's new Survivor Mode is an alternate way to play through the story that introduces elements for players looking for a more realistic way to play the game. Survivor Mode removes the minimap, changes the density and spread of enemies and predatory animals as well as the health and resilience of special enemies and animals. There are more predatory animals at night, and the nights last longer and are darker. The enemy AI is reportedly more aggressive and reactive to the player.
Survivor Mode is playable across all difficulties, and the player can opt to turn on permanent death or permanent death with a second chance. In game, there is the addition of a stamina bar that depletes over time, and is depleted more quickly by player actions like walking, running, fast traveling or being in combat. Low stamina slows down player movement and health regeneration. When the stamina bar runs out, manual healing and fast travel are disabled. The stamina bar can be refilled by eating food or sleeping.
Creatures, weapons and crafting are altered by Far Cry Primal's Survivor Mode as well. The player must draw the bowstring back completely to get max impact and damage. Throwing weapons degrade faster or slower depending on whether they hit hard or soft surfaces, and all weapons degrade more quickly when fire is added to them. Crafting takes longer and the player's bag is smaller. Permanent death rears its ugly head again as all tamed beasts are subject to permanent death, even legendary creatures. Mounted creatures also experience fatigue from continuous riding and will eventually begin to lose health.
Far Cry Primal's 1.3.0 patch requires 817MB on Xbox One, 849MB on PlayStation 4 and 1.1GB on PC. The Ultra-HD textures available on PC is 3.5GB and can be downloaded separately through Steam or Uplay. The bullet point list of full changes and adjustments can be found on the blog released by Ubisoft.
Far Cry Primal and Fallout 4 will both receive free updates that make the games more realistic this year. What other AAA titles should receive the "survival" treatment? Answer in the comments below!