Fallout Shelter Red Rocket

Fallout Shelter Updates to 1.5

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Published: April 23, 2016 11:40 AM

Fallout Shelter has updated to version 1.5 according to an announcement on Bethesda's website.

Fallout Shelter now supports iPhone 6's 3D Touch feature. Tapping on the game's icon will open up a submenu listing your vaults. You can then tap on any of the vaults and go directly to them, effectively bypassing the menu screen altogether.

Fallout Shelter Piper's Outfit
Piper's outfit mysteriously vanished for a time on Android. The missing outfit has since been restored.

Crafting has had a bit of a change as well. You can now scrap equipment with a chance to get some Junk bank in return for further crafting. A few new outfits and customization options have been added as well including the ability to make your vault dwellers look like ghouls.

The list of documented changes are short, but the discussion thread on /r/foshelter reports some undocumented changes as well.

The previous update introduced a "Max" symbol with a star when a vault dweller had maximized a particular S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stat. That star now remains permanently on screen while a maxed-out dweller is in one of the training rooms.

Items in your storage are now colored to reflect their quality in the standard schema. Regular items have green names, rare items have blue names, and legendary items have yellow names. These color changes only apply to the storage menu and aren't reflected anywhere else such as the inventory of your dwellers.

When you send a dweller out into the Wasteland you now have the option to click on the symbol for Stimpaks or Radaways to assign the maximum of 25 to that particular dweller. It was possible to get the symbols to react if you tapped on them before and now they finally have a function.

Lastly, it seems that the formula behind Rushing chance has changed slightly. The finer points of the involved math are discussed in that thread, but essentially you used to have a guaranteed safe zone when rushing at 10% or lower. This has since been eliminated, and every rush now carries the risk of failure regardless of the percentage.

Curiously, the 1.5 update also took something away for a short time. Piper's Outfit was uncraftable on Android for a period of about 24 hours as reported by people in the /r/foshelter subreddit. (I also had a discussion thread on this matter.) I experienced the same bug myself. Any of the Piper's Outfits that were currently crafting had their jobs cancelled. Bethesda has since corrected the issue and restored Piper's Outfit to the list of craftable items on Android.

What do you think of the changes in Fallout Shelter's 1.5 update? Do you feel Bethesda has done a good job with adding new content and improvemnets to Fallout Shelter? Let us know in the comments below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Game Page Fallout Shelter
Bethesda Softworks
Release Date
March 29, 2017 (Calendar)
RPG, Simulation
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