For those who are fans of Fallout 4, it's a time to be excited as Bethesda has finally opened up on what their post-launch plans are to start with Fallout 4. It's not a full reveal and layout, but the first 3 pieces of DLC—Automatron, Wasteland Workshop, and Far Harbor—are explained briefly, as well as some other details that we'll run you through all the information that is out there.
Actually, since I got you here now, I want to touch on some big news—the Season Pass for Fallout 4 is taking ideas from Dying Light and Star Wars Battlefront. From the first, it's saying that they have SO MUCH CONTENT that they are going to have to raise the price after a certain date. In this case, they are going to raise the price on March 1st, and unlike Dying Light, none of the DLC has been released yet. From Star Wars Battlefront, it's stealing the idea of the $50 season pass, because after March 1st the price hike will be $20, taking it to $49.99, also known as marketing speak for $50.
Those who bought it already and those that do before March 1st are getting that extra content at the $29.99 price according to Bethesda as a "way of saying thanks to all our loyal fans who have believed in us and supported us over the years."
So now with that season pass price in mind, we'll get back to other information reveals later as we go through DLC Land!
Robot Power!

Automatron is their first DLC that will be coming out, and it will feature a new set of enemies, a new weapon, and a brand new build it yourself robot companion. When a mysterious mechanist unleashes a horde of evil Robots (not to be confused with the Synths you are facing in the game already), it's up to you to run them down up to and including the notorious Robobrain. After you do so and harvest their parts, you can build and modify your own robot companion mixing limbs, armor, weapons, and abilities—likely in an interface similar to the Power Armor selections. Personalization is also at a premium here as you can select paint schemes and what voice your companion uses as they accompany you through the world.
Automatron will have automation deploy it sometime in March charging you $9.99 US if you want to buy it on its own.
Arena Battles!
Wasteland Workshop exists to give you a formal way to run all those monster fights you've already set up, as well as some of those additions you've been tossing into your home. With Wasteland Workshop you can design and set cages to capture enemies like raiders and deathclaws. You can tame them to work with you—or if we're being politically correct here "rehabilitate"—or set them off into a battle arena against different creatures or even settlers. Get that Deathclaw vs Deathclaw betting action going to fuel your new designs for your town using things like nixi tube lighting, letter kits, taxidermy, and more. Though ... one has to wonder why weren't letter kits there at the start?

Wasteland Workshop is planning to spruce up your game sometime this April for a match price of $4.99 US.
The Lost World
If after some robot bashing, monster hunting, and redecorating you're looking for a new place to explore, Far Harbor is going to be for you. In this, they take the Valentine Detect Agency to lead you on a search from arguably Fallout 4's best companion Nick Valentine to search for a young woman and a secret colony of synths. In this tale of mystery and intrigue you will examine the titular island of Far Harbor and find out that there is in fact a whole faction set up in conflict here between the synths, the cultish Children of Atom and the local townspeople. Building on a lighthouse encounter point that was already in the game full of Children of Atom and at the docks with a ship, you will go to the largest landmass Bethesda has ever done for an add-on. Once there you can expect new faction interactions, quests, settlements, enemies, dungeons, landscape to explore and new, more powerful equipment.

Far Harbor will be sailing into your port of call in May with a fare price of $24.99 US.
Bethesda says there's going to be even more throughout 2016, with more than $60 worth of new Fallout adventures throughout the year. Of course, given the above DLC are priced individually in total at $50 (or more precisely $49.97) that is a good thing when they are charging that much for the Season Pass (or 2 cents more in semantics), but you're buying in the dark past March 1.
If the prices are seeming too rich for you at either the current or future prices and you don't mind working for your content, Bethesda is going to be running closed betas for their add-ons on console and PC. You can sign up on for it right now; however, as I said you're going to have to do some work. Given the terms of use, it looks like this closed beta is less of the current trend of betas as demos like The Division, Hitman, or Rainbow Six: Siege have done, and more of the traditional beta as bug testing phase.
In particular, the agreement states that "ZeniMax reserves the right to reset the Game, Your Game account (if any), Your characters, inventory items, achievements, and/or in-Game settings at any time during the Beta Trial." Additionally you are bound under a non-disclosure agreement on all content in the trial, your feedback on the beta, your selection as a beta participant, and the beta forums. You can't talk to developers, designers, news sites (including us!) about it prior to the release, and even then you can only talk about what is available after launch—not what was cut or what was buggy during beta.
Bethesda also assures people that they will continue to offer free updates to the game like the 1.3 Patch, which added in several visual effects to the game on things like weapon debris (for NVIDIA cards) or draw distance for consoles, as well as bug fixing and performance tweaking.
As for the Creation Kit, that is still in the works. They are testing it, and more details will be coming in the future. Also in testing is a complete overhaul of Survival Mode to make it more like how Fallout New Vegas had it with food, sleep, diseases, danger upgraded and more.
Quick Take
Really not a fan of this pressure you to pre-order the DLC before it releases with only a little bit of vague information that is coming—the topics essentially. Lost Harbor looks neat, but the different voices for the robot companion make me wonder how much dialogue it will have, as you will after building it basically have already done its "companion quest," and it doesn't likely tie into the main story much.
As for Wasteland Workshop? Well people are running grandscale battles on PC, and a ton of objects have been modded in. It's nice for those who want it official or on console until the mod set up arrives but it seems ... lacking. The letter kit in particular is something that should have been in for launch or a free update given how basic it is.
What are your thoughts on the revealed Fallout 4 DLC? What do you think of season passes price changing? Do you think $50 is too much for a season pass? Share your thoughts in the comments below!