2K Games announced yesterday that Evlove's 'Big Alpha' would be rolling out first on the Xbox One October 30th, with PlayStation 4 and PC alpha testing to begin October 31st.
Players looking to participate in the closed alpha must obtain a code allowing them to register on the alpha's signup page. Gamers who pre-order before October 21st, or have already pre-ordered the full game from retailers participating in the promotion will receive a code entitling them to a guaranteed spot in the alpha.
If you're interested in trying out the alpha, but haven't pre-ordered the game, codes will be randomly distributed on Evolve's official Facebook page, Twitter account, and official Twitch live stream channel from now until the alpha begins. Additionally, Sony is offering a multi-use code on the PlayStation Blog, and various other online gaming publications are offering codes for other platforms.
Evolve is an online-only four versus one shooter currently being developed with CryEngine 3 by Turtle Rock Studios and published by 2K Games. Evolve is scheduled to release February 10, 2015 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.