Stargates across space MMO Eve Online's game world have begun to flicker and experience in-game "issues". Don't worry, though; this isn't a glitch. Rather, it seems to be teasing a major update for the game that's coming this week.
What's happening to Eve Online's stargates?
A number of players have noticed that stargates in Eve Online - devices used to jump between systems - have been acting strangely. These events began a few days ago, with stargates flickering and sending players to a different area than expected when traveling. That's also when the official Eve Online YouTube channel dropped a news story detailing issues with the stargates. After this happened, the stargate issues progressed, with rolling blackouts and other problems hitting stargates in the last day or two.
The official Eve Online Twitch page is currently displaying an in-game livestream of certain stargates, warning that "severe stargate disruptions" are expected and displaying a "hazard warning". According to users on the official Eve Online forum, the issues - flickering, sending players off-station, and rolling blackouts - are occurring across all stargates. You can check out the original Scope announcement here:
There are some major updates on the way for Eve Online due to hit this week. First, the second phase of the Quantum Core update will deploy, making the new Quantum Core item a necessary factor in deploying structures. From that point onward, you'll need to install Quantum Cores into structures in order to complete the anchoring process.
Either as part of that update, or as a second separate update, the other Eve Online update is bigger and seems to concern what's being teased by the flickering stargates and in-game news messages. The event will continue the ongoing storyline of the Triglavian invasion that's been underway since May last year. We know this because of a logo that's been accompanying messages concerning the stargate flickering. When the brightness is increased, the image clearly shows the Triglavian insignia.
The Triglavian invasion event has taken place over three chapters so far. Players have been asked to ally with either the Triglavian Collective or the Eden Common Defense Initiative, otherwise known as EDENCOM. Battles between players allied with either side determine whether or not a system will "fall" to the Triglavian Collective, which effectively reduces that system's security to nothing.
Exactly what's coming in the new Eve Online update is unclear as of yet. We'll have more for you as soon as we get it. Until then, do be careful when you're travelling through stargates in the game.
Are you looking forward to the event being teased by these flickering stargates? Let us know in the comments below!