Endless Legends

Endless Legend – Visions of the Unseen

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Published: November 20, 2014 9:05 AM

In addition to its Endless Space add-on that is coming out next week, Amplitude Studios has announced that its Fantasy 4x Endless Legend will be getting its second free add-on, Visions of the Unseen.

Endless Legend is a game that while not perfect is a different take on the 4x genre and played with some different concepts. Lacking in a couple of areas, Amplitude’s plans for it over the next while, originally announced in October when discussing their first add-on, show awareness of the issue that our review had with the game. Visions of the Unseen doesn’t have many details released yet, but it already promises to deal with some minor ones and to further increase some of its strengths.

Visions of the Unseen is going to introduce 10 new sidequests, which deals with an issue of variety among the minor quests that comes up after you've played the game a few times. The list of quests that the minor factions and ruins give you is pretty limited in the vanilla Endless Legend game, and adding 10 new ones could significantly help that, especially if they are of different types then hunt this monster over there. While this doesn't deal with the AI issues the game had, it does increase the replayability of the game.

The other change is to make what is already an impressive looking game, even more so. Quest Weapons – gotten of course by doing quests – are already the most impressive ones when it comes to effect compared to their tier typically speaking. They do things that you can’t get from materials and have no cost – and now your heroes will show off with them as there are special effects put to them. This is a pretty cool thing to do and a fun addition that makes getting these items even more special and unique compared to basic items.

Visions of the Unseen Quest Weapon Special Effects
Quest Weapon shows off!

If you are interested in playing Endless Legend, you can pick it up at our Gamefanshop which currently has it on sale, 33% off. Doing so would get you an interesting, fun and improving 4x as well as help support Techraptor!

Don Parsons
| Senior Writer

A longtime lover of speculative fiction, in almost all its forms, Don joined TechRaptor in 2014 on a whim sending in an application as he was looking for… More about Don