
The Elder Scrolls Online Revisits the Summerset Isles In Summerset Expansion

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Published: March 23, 2018 9:09 PM

The Summerset Isles, an area often referenced but rarely visited in The Elder Scrolls games (they were last seen in the first Elder Scrolls game Arena), is finally getting its 15 minutes of fame in The Elder Scrolls Online's latest Chapter, aptly named Summerset. With a release date set for May 21 for PC/Mac players and June 5 for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 users, it won't be long before the historic home of Tamriel's High Elves becomes a battlefield once again as the Daedra are up to their usual shenanigans.

If you don't want to wait, you can actually begin your journey to Summerset Isle today. As of March 21, Summerset's prologue quest is available in The Elder Scrolls Online for free, so long as you acquire the Mage's Message Stone from the in-game Crown Store. Using the Stone will trigger the Through a Veil Darkly quest, which will direct you to Vanus Galerion, the founder of the Mages Guild. Alternatively, you can just talk to Vanus inside any of the Mage Guildhalls in the Alliance capitals. Completing the quest will reward you with the Wyrd Elemental Plume memento, after which you will be ready for Summerset's new main questline.

Of course, it won't be true trip to the Summerset Isles unless some strange and powerful magic is involved, and there's going to be plenty of that in Summerset. For the first time, you will be given a chance to join the Psijic Order (which made a brief appearance in Skyrim), wield their magic with a new Skill Line that grants you control over time, and explore their island, Artaeum, before it vanishes in a couple of Eras or so. Alternatively, you can craft your own souvenirs with a new Jewelry Crafting Skill Line, or face the challenges of Cloudrest in a new 12 player Trial. Naturally, there will also be new group PvE challenges, one of which is dubbed the Abyssal Geysers, and new enemies, such as gryphons and the Welkynar. There will also be plenty of new and returning NPCs including Queen Ayrenn, her cousin, Alwinarwe, and Alchemy, a strangely named actress for the House of Reveries.

If you decide to pre-order The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset, you will be given the Queen's Bounty Pack, which contains an exclusive costume, pet, treasure map, a Psijic Vault Crown Crate, and two XP boosts. The Nightmare Senche Mount (basically a flaming tiger) will also be given to you to use whenever you want to travel in style. You will also receive a bonus copy of The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind, which gives you access to the Warden class and a questline where you can help the demi-god Vivec reclaim his lost power.

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| Staff Writer

Anson is a Writer at TechRaptor and has been playing games for as long as he can remember. As far as he's concerned, games are one of the greatest forms of… More about Anson

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Learn More About The Elder Scrolls Online
Bethesda Softworks
PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Release Date
April 4, 2014 (Calendar)
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