The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited

The Elder Scrolls Online is Free to Play Until April 18th

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Published: April 11, 2017 9:30 AM

At the beginning of the week, Bethesda announced that their online interpretation of the Elder Scrolls universe will be free to play on all platforms from April 10th to April 18th. The free to play week offers players the chance to explore the full game world without restrictions and all players will also get 500 'Crowns' (the premium in-game currency of Elder Scrolls Online) to use in the Crown Store.

For the duration of the week, there will also be discounts for all versions of the game. The base game is currently available on PC for as low as $12.29. The gold edition, which includes the previously released content packs: Imperial City, Orsinium, Thieves Guild, and The Dark Brotherhood, is also available at a discounted price. Players on PlayStation, Xbox, and Steam can download and play the game for free through the PlayStation Store, Xbox Store, and Steam, right now.

The free to play week comes just a couple of months before the next big content add-on for ESO, the highly anticipated Morrowind expansion coming on June 6th. As we recently reported, the Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind will represent the most significant expansion to the base game to date. Not only does it add the island of Vvardenfell to the game's map, bringing back the setting for Bethesda's 3rd Elder Scrolls title, it also adds a new class to the game - the Warden. As well as re-imagining familiar locations from the developer's highly regarded RPG, the expansion will add a new 4 v 4 v 4  PvP mode known as Battlegrounds.

The information on player numbers available from Steam suggests that, at least in terms of the PC player base, average player numbers have been relatively steady since the last big surge in November 2016, when Bethesda ran the last big free to play event for the game and achieved an all-time high for concurrent players. With the increase in permanent players from November's free trial, it seems that the publisher is hoping this latest event will help boost the game's install base once again ahead of the upcoming expansion.

Will you be joining in the free to play event? Are you waiting patiently for the Morrowind expansion to drop? If you weren't into The Elder Scrolls Online before, will either the free event or the add-on be enough to pique your interest? Whatever your take, let us know down in the comments.


Dom Oleary Writer
| Former Staff Writer

I'm a dyed in the wool gamer of the now irrelevant (I'm told) generation-X. If I'm not gaming, you'll find me writing about games, writing my wonderful… More about Dom

More Info About This Game
Learn More About The Elder Scrolls Online
Bethesda Softworks
PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Release Date
April 4, 2014 (Calendar)
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