Spending the last two years working on improvements to NBA Live 18 EA took time to show off game play footage for the upcoming title. Heading outside to one of the stations set up with the game we get to see a game play replay showing off the dribbling mechanics
Sean O'Brian, Exec Producer, announced that there would be a Free Demo released in August. In this demo you'll be able to play in both solo and co-op mode. Progress that you make in the demo will also be able to transfer to the fully released title.
In "The One" you're able to set up your own legacy both on the streets as well as on the streets. There will be differences in rules and locations across both types. There will be 5v5 pickup games as you continue to built your reputation. The more you play you will rank up earning you different bonuses such as shoes that give you a +5 to dunking.
What do you think of the changes coming to NBA Live 2018? Are you excited to start your own legacy?
If you want to know more about this and other announcements happening at E3 then be sure to check out our E3 2017 Coverage Hub.