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EA Announces Plants vs. Zombies 3, Pre-Alpha Available Now

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Published: July 18, 2019 2:30 PM

One of EA's longtime, established franchises is making a return. No, it's not the next Battlefield or Mass Effect title, it's PopCap's next game: Plants vs. Zombies 3.

Today, EA dropped an announcement confirming that Plants vs. Zombies 3 is in development now, and is playable in Pre-Alpha for Android devices. As of right now, only a limited number of players can download this test for Plants vs. Zombies 3.

plants vs. zombies 3
This screenshot, taken from Plants vs. Zombies 3's store listing, shows new, possibly 3D, models for zombies and plants.

Unfortunately, iPhone users will have to wait, as the Pre-Alpha is only available for Android devices. Furthermore, if you really want to play, do it fast, since this is a limited window. Rest assured, EA assures players that "if the option to download isn’t available at first, be sure to check the page another day for your chance to play." To sign up for the Pre-Alpha or see if you are eligible, Plants vs. Zombies 3's Pre-Alpha page is up on the Google Play store right now. You can even see a few screenshots of the game, which looks faithful to past entries in the series.

PopCap asks for customer feedback from testers. The Pre-Alpha does not feature microtransactions (although the final release most certainly will), and game progress will be wiped throughout the game's testing phases.

Again, be sure to check out your eligibility for the Plants vs. Zombies 3 Pre-Alpha by heading to the Google Play store now. There's no date yet for iPhone users, but for the time being, limited numbers of Android users are able to play.

Quick Take

I'm a sucker for Plants vs. Zombies. It's such a simple formula, but definitely addicting. Hopefully, this Pre-Alpha also means the next entry in the series' Garden Warfare spin-off is on the horizon. It's a very solid third-person shooter, but I can settle for Plants vs. Zombies 3 as a solid substitute.

Are you excited for Plants vs. Zombies 3? Did you get in the Pre-Alpha? Let us know in the comments below!

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Austin cut his teeth writing various  fan-fiction stories on the RuneScape forums when he was in elementary school. Later on, he developed a deep love for… More about Austin