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E3 2016 - The Walking Dead Season 3 Details

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Published: June 13, 2016 8:56 PM

This week at E3, Telltale has finally revealed new information regarding The Walking Dead Season 3.

In an interview from IGN last Sunday, Telltale's Job Stauffer and Laura Perusco joined the discussion table to talk about their upcoming release. Answering some questions and presenting a relatively short teaser (above), the teaser trailer marked the return of Clementine, who is now a young teenager. Accompanied by a male protagonist known as Javier, Stauffer said that he will be not only an important character but also a playable one.

As for the timeline, Stauffer noted that season 3 will take place a lot closer to where the show/comics are. While the plot details remain fairly scarce, Stauffer noted that Telltale has left some "subtle clues" within the trailer about what has happened. 


In a later IGN Access interview, Stauffer went on to answer some more questions to fans on Twitter. When asked about whether or not decisions made in Season 1, Season 2, and the 400 Days DLC will have an impact on the story, Stauffer responded that the choices made prior will definitely affect the outcomes of Season 3.

If you've played 1&2, choices will carry into this third season. Everything you have done has the potential to have affected Clementine, her view of the world, how she looks, and certainly how many fingers she has on her hands" - Joe Stauffer, IGN Interview

In addition to Clementine and Javier, Stauffer was asked about whether or not characters from the comic books will also be making an appearance. In his response, Stauffer said that there will be some faces from the comics, though they will not be central to the plot. As well as this, these will also be faces that have "not yet been seen" in either season at this point.

While there is no exact release date, The Walking Dead Season 3 is set for release later this fall. To find more of our E3 coverage, be sure to check out at our E3 Coverage Hub.

What are your thoughts on the new Walking Dead? Are looking forward to the newest season? What are some of the things you would like to see added to the game? Are there any characters from the comics you would like to see? Let us know in the comments below!

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Super famous games journalist currently based in Melbourne, Australia. When not writing for TechRaptor, Jason is also covering material for Digital Fox.… More about Jason