The Elder Scrolls Online is not finished with just The Dark Brotherhood expansion.
During E3 this year, Bethesda confirmed that The Elder Scrolls Online will be receiving more DLC packs for players. The first two packs; an Argonian Dungeon Pack and a character editor barber shop, will be arriving in August of this year. The third pack, which will add player housing to the MMO, will be released in the first quarter of next year.
The three new pieces of DLC were not included in Bethesda's presentation for Elder Scrolls Online, which primarily focused on the new Dark Brotherhood DLC that was released on June 16th for consoles. Another major focus during the Bethesda conference was the new update for the game that would remove all character barriers for players. Titled "One Tamriel" the update basically means characters can be created for each faction of the game without race restrictions like before.
Game Director Matt Firor confirmed that their goal now for Elder Scrolls Online is to begin releasing smaller DLC packs to cater to players who return to the game intermittently, creating makeshift episodic content for the MMO. "It’s interesting to see what happens when you take away the subscription model away," Firor stated in an interview with IGN. "You don’t see a hardcore playstyle - like playing for six months and then quitting - we don’t see that. We have a lot of players who will play for two or three weeks because they want to get through a zone and then stop. Then they come back two months later for another month, because there’s no pressure to play all of it at once."
Outside of the three confirmed DLC by Firor, it is currently unknown what the full timetable will be for future content releases.
Remember to check out our E3 coverage at our E3 2016 Coverage Hub.
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