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E3 2016 - Crackdown 3 Delayed to 2017

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Published: June 17, 2016 10:15 PM

Crackdown 3 has officially been delayed to 2017.

According to Dave Jones, the creative director of Reagent games, Crackdown 3 has been officially delayed with "our fans and their gaming experience in mind," in a post made on the Crackdown 3 website

Jones talks about how Crackdown 3 is a game built on redefining the multiplayer experience, and that keeping their original timeline for the title, Summer of 2016, was challenging for the team's current vision of the game. 

Crackdown 3 was first revealed back at E3 2014 and showed off some gameplay at Gamescom 2015, which included fully destructible environments in an open-world, a staple of the Crackdown series, which was shown off by IGN. During that demo, the team at Reagent also revealed that Crackdown 3 is completely compatible with the cloud server on Xbox Live, meaning players can use a cloud server to load up a copy of the game.

The only new information revealed is that Crackdown 3 will be a part of the play anywhere strategy that Microsoft is employing for the Xbox One, and that the game will be a Xbox One and Windows 10 exclusive.

Remember, you can find more of our E3 coverage at our E3 2016 Coverage Hub.

Quick Take

I never was big into the Crackdown games. The first one was ok but fell kinda flat after a while, and the second one I never even bothered playing. Crackdown 3 looks pretty good, it retains the Crackdown style, but it just doesn't really interest me at all as a series.

It is good that Reagent Games is delaying the title a bit more, although announcing it at E3 because everyone noticed the game was absent is a bit of an odd move. Hopefully, the delay is not too long for fans of the title, but since they didn't specify a timetable for 2017, I am going to guess it will be at least a whole year before the game sees the light of day. What do you think, though? Leave your comments below. 

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A longtime player of games, creator of worlds, and teacher of minds. Robert has worked many positions over the years, from college professor to education… More about Robert