Ace Attorney 6

E3 2016 - Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice Gets More Details

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Published: June 19, 2016 5:38 PM

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice was one of the demos available at the Capcom booth at this year's E3. Those in attendance got to take on a quick journey through the trials to come. We previously reported that Spirit of Justice would take place in a foreign country and that a number of familiar characters would be returning, including Maya Fey. Capcom added their E3 demo announcement with a live stream and some more details regarding the new mechanics making an appearance.

Spirit of Justice takes Phoenix to the faraway country of Khurai'in, where the Kurain channeling technique that Maya Fey used in the original trilogy originated from.  Lawyerless trials have arisen due to the country's rule that if a defendant is found guilty of the crime they are accused of, so is the representing attorney. Phoenix finds himself defending a monk in training and tour guide named Ahlbi Ur'giad, accused of murder and theft and prosecuted by none other than Gaspen Payne.

Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice Ahibi Intro

It is here in this country's courtrooms that the new mechanic takes form.  The high priestess, Rayfa, is able to divine the final moments of a victim's life from their point of view and is able to display their feelings and sensations using the Pool of Souls in what is called the Divination Seance.  During this, Phoenix must find inconsistencies with Rayfa's interpretation of events and the memory of the victim at play to help prove his client's innocent.

Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice Divination

Spirit of Justice released in Japan earlier this month, on June 9th, and even got some free upcoming DLC to go with it, which will be available to Japanese customers between June 30th and July 20th.  Current plans are for Spirit of Justice to be released in September as a digital only release for the Nintendo 3DS. So far, a solid release date has not been provided. Retail price is set at $29.99.

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| Staff Writer

A writer, gamer, aspiring musician and does stuff for Tech Raptor. Loves good FPS games, racing games, and JRPGs. Has a thing for anime, otaku goods, and… More about David

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice
Nintendo 3DS
Release Date
September 8, 2016 (Calendar)
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