Microsoft revealed their plans for VR and the HoloLens hologram technologies this morning during their E3 2015 conference. The HTC and Valve’s Vive headset will be supported on the Xbox One in conjunction to the previously revealed partnership with Oculus last Thursday . As for the Rift itself, the device will support Xbox One games via streaming games from Windows 10, which are already streaming from the Xbox One. This sounds a bit complicated in theory, but it is likely a hardware limitation due to the Rift’s technical demands.
Additionally, Microsoft featured an impressive live demo of their previously announced HoloLens hologram technology. The HoloLens device allowed for an audience to observe the hologram of the featured content without wearing their own headsets or special glasses. An impressive Minecraft demo started with a streaming demo on a wall until the real magic began: moving the demo over to a nearby table. Statements were made that the HoloLens functionality can be transferred to any surface rather than relying on a specially tailored peripheral.
Lydia, a representative from Mojang, was able to jump into the hologram user’s game from a tablet. The operator was able to lift the world to reveal the underground of the Minecraft world through a mixture of hand and voice actions. Lydia was able to freely moved around in the map during these world adjustments. Dungeon Master-like Interactions in the world took the rather silly fashion of using ‘LIGHTNING STRIKES’ that detonated TNT. More details will be announced at MineCon in London, UK between July 4th and 5th. Without a doubt, this demo may go down as the ‘wow’ moment. However, a degree of skepticism may be for the best because of the E3 2009 Milo Kinect demo.