e3 Sony

E3 2014 - Dead Island 2

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Published: June 9, 2014 10:49 PM

A new zombie game has been unveiled based on requests from Play Station gamers. This may not be your conventional zombie game though. The trailer shows a clearly bitten man running as he slowly becomes a zombie and is joined by his undead brothers and sisters. The screen rolls to black and Dead Island slate showing off that the game is ready for a full sequel.

A 30 day exclusive beta for Dead Island 2 will be available exclusive on PlayStation 4. This isn't the only addition that PlayStation gamers will get as they will also have access to an exclusive character class.

A release from Deep Silver reads as follows "Several months after the events on Banoi, the United States military has put the Golden State under full quarantine. Now a restricted zone, California has become a bloody paradise for those who refuse to leave their homes and an action-packed playground for renegades who seek adventure, glory and a fresh start. Combining the classic Dead Island elements of immersive close combat, action and role-playing, Dead Island 2 features crazy, never-before-seen handcrafted weapons and over-the-top characters in taking players from the iconic Golden Gate to the celebrated beachfront boardwalk of southern California’'s Venice Beach."

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ST262ZbNcos&w=560&h=315]

For more info on E3 keep an eye on Techraptor.net

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| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew