Dying Light 2 developer update cover

Dying Light 2 Developer Update Highlights Fan Frustration

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Published: March 17, 2021 4:29 PM

Techland has released a Dying Light 2 developer update. If you're hoping for big answers about the game, you're probably going to be disappointed.

Dying Light 2 is, as one might expect, the upcoming sequel to 2015's Dying Light. It's been in development for quite some time — so much so that fans are getting really frustrated with the wait. That (totally understandable) frustration with a major subject of a new developer update video released by Techland today.

What is the Dying Light 2 Developer Update All About?

The Dying Light 2 developer update opens with a selection of developers reading some of the more colorful social media messages they've received about the game. Suffice it to say, some of the game's fans are upset that it's been quite some time without any substantial news about the game.

"F*** this bulls***!" read one of the more impassioned YouTube comments highlighted by the development team. "Release [Dying Light 2] or give us a f***ing demo GOD D***[!]"

This was followed by a number of developers taking turns delivering portions of the following statement:

"Okay everyone, we get the message. We understand you are curious about the game because you want Dying Light 2 to be [as] good as you have imagined. And maybe you are even a little impatient. Because you have waited a long time for any news and updates.

This is a huge and complex project and we needed time to make sure [that] it will live up to our vision. All of us here are putting our hearts into delivering a game that you will keep playing for months. We will be ready to start talking about Dying Light 2 very, very soon.

The whole team needs your trust and support as this is what motivates us. Especially now when the circumstances are hard for everyone. We are proud of having such devoted fans as you, no matter how you express your feelings.

[...] Please, stay with us just a bit longer and stay safe. Thank you"

This statement was followed by approximately 20 seconds of footage from Dying Light 2.

Essentially, the Dying Light 2 developer update states that Techland is aware of the frustrations some fans are expressing. Aside from its explanation of the delays, it has also created a somewhat more practical outlet.

Anyone with questions about the game can join the Dying Light Discord server and check out the new #dl2-questions channel. This channel has a form that can be used to submit a question to the developers, and Techland promises to address some of these questions via videos in an AMA (Ask Me Anything) style.

Dying Light 2 developer update slice

When is the Dying Light 2 Release Date?

Unfortunately, there has still not been an announcement about the Dying Light 2 release date. That said, the tone of Techland's messaging implies that we may be getting pretty close.

The Dying Light 2 developer update closes with an end bumper with "2021" on it. This doesn't necessarily mean that we're getting a 2021 release date, but one can certainly hope.

Do you think Dying Light 2 will launch in 2021? How do you think the developers could have improved their communication? Let us know in the comments below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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February 4, 2022 (Calendar)
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