At Anime NYC 2018, the producers behind Dragon Marked for Death revealed both a delay and a set of physical versions. Inti Creates's Takuya Aizu and Yoshifumi Hashimoto announced that Dragon Marked for Death is delayed until January 31st, reported DualShockers. The delay was due to a newfound partnership with Nighthawk Interactive to produce physical copies of the game, and release physically "as close to the digital release date as possible." Inti Creates had previously worked with Nighthawk to produce the Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack, a physical version of the first two Gunvolt games. Dragon Marked for Death was originally planned for a December 13th release, but you'll now be able to play through the dark fantasy RPG on January 31st.
Dragon Marked for Death is a 2D sidescrolling RPG with a heavy emphasis on action and playing with your friends. After a long-revered clan of warriors is attacked by an empire with a divine blessing, you set out on a tale of survival and revenge. With timed stages and gorgeously detailed pixel art, one could see Dragon Marked for Death as the lovechild between Metal Slug and Dragon's Crown, albeit not banking on its punishing difficulty. Four unique classes offer different combat and movement options for navigating the myriad of stages.
Curiously, Inti Creates has opted to split the digital version of Dragon Marked for Death into two separate releases. The "Frontline Fighters Pack" will come with the Warrior and Empress classes, which are more straightforward and approachable characters. There will also be an "Advanced Attackers Pack" that comes with the Shinobi and the Witch characters that offer more diverse and challenging gameplay. Depending on which pack you choose, the other will be available as DLC. Either pack will run you $14.99, with no word on what the other DLC will run you. If you're looking to bolster your Switch library with a gorgeous sidescrolling RPG, then you would do well to check out Dragon Marked for Death when it releases on January 31st, 2019.