
Dragon Ball Xenoverse Steps Into The Grand Tour With New DLC

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Published: April 4, 2015 8:27 PM

Dragon Ball Xenoverse is a well regarded entry into the long running series of video games based on the Dragon Ball franchise. Dragon Ball GT is an anime only sequel which features an infamous theme song that correctly warns viewers of the pain to come. The show is at best a retread of Dragon Ball Z and at worst a marketing experiment gone bad. So when it came time for Bandai Namco to create DLC for its fan service-based fighting game, it's only natural that the content is focused on the one part of the universe that fans desperately want to forget.

Kidding aside, Dragon Ball Xenoverse has received several packs of DLC based on the most controversial chapter of Goku's story. The first, released last month, contains the GT versions of Kid Goku and Trunks as well as Pan. It also includes new missions and costumes all themed around the show. Coming on April 14th, the second DLC will focus on villains, including two Shadow Dragons from GT and Mira and Towa from Xenoverse's Time Patrol campaign mode. The DLC also promises more GT based adventures and the ability to accept martial arts training from Pan. So if your Dragon Ball power fantasy involves being trained not by Goku but by his granddaughter, they've got you covered.

Xenoverse's season pass promises a third DLC pack in the coming months, but offers no hints as to its contents. This means that fans of Giru, Baby, Super 17 and all the other memorable cast members of Dragon Ball GT still have a chance to have their wishes granted. By a dragon. Each DLC pack can be purchased for just $9.99, or bundled together for $24.99. Dragon Ball Xenoverse is available on Steam, as well as Xbox One, PS4 and their last-gen equivalents.

What Dragon Ball GT characters are you excited to play as? Will one of the DLC missions feature the Shadow Dragon created by Oolong's wish for a pair of panties? Answer these questions and more in the comments below!

Alex Santa Maria TechRaptor
| Staff Writer

Alex Santa Maria is TechRaptor's former Reviews Editor (2015-2020) and current occasional critic. Joining the site early in its life, Alex grew the review… More about Alex