dota 2 custom games

Dota 2 Custom Games Announced

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Published: June 16, 2015 7:13 PM

Valve is continuing their Dota 2 Reborn campaign by announcing the next big thing: custom games. Anyone who was a big Warcraft III fan will be screaming for joy, as with custom games comes a tool to make them, as well as some created by Valve themselves. Dota 2 custom games are finally here.

Valve wants to build on the tradition that made Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike and other franchises of theirs: a community creating their own content. With it comes the Custom Games Hub where you can browse the various games available, see what is popular, what your friends are playing, and favorite the ones you enjoy the most. You will also find games suggested to you, as well as an option to vote on games you think should be given more recognition.

Each custom game will have its own Launch Page, detailing some about the game and providing general info. Also, from there you will be able to find the lowest ping lobbies to join. Also included on the Launch Page is a dedicated chatroom just for that game.

And, as mentioned before, you will be able to create your own lobbies and browse for others. This is where you can find pretty much any game, from the last popular to the most popular, from those that are finished to those still in development. There will be several ways to sort them as well, like game type, description, connectivity, etc.

Overthrow is a game that Valve has made, which is a free-for-all between a group of heroes to see who can come out on top with the most kills. There's not much more I can say other than check out the video above.

Of course, there will also be tools to help you create an awesome custom game. In it will be a level editor to quickly lay out a map, an editor to mess with materials and textures, a way to edit animations and models, and a particle editor. There's surely much more and it is in much more detail in the video just above.

Will you be making in Dota 2 Custom Games? Are there any that you would like to see make the trek over from Warcraft III?

Andrew Otton
| Editor in Chief

Andrew is the Editor in Chief at TechRaptor. Conned into a love of gaming by Nintendo at a young age, Andrew has been chasing the dragon spawned by Super… More about Andrew