Heroes of the Storm free hero

Don't Forget To Grab Your Free Heroes of the Storm Character Tomorrow

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Published: September 12, 2016 3:08 PM

The best things in life are free - and doubly so if that means the chance to get free stuff in a video game. Heroes of the Storm's StarCraft-themed expansion - The Machines of War - lands tomorrow, and there's clearly no better way to celebrate than with freebies for everyone.

Logging into the game from the 13th of September onwards will give each player the chance to permanently grab either Thrall, Anub'arak, or Tyrande. Already own all three of those heroes? You get the choice of Sonya, Nazeebo, or Uther instead. And if you're really prolific and already own all six heroes, you get a pot of 4,000 gold for use in Heroes of the Storm. The promotion will run for an unspecified time, so get your skates on before you miss out. 


Besides the free hero, The Machines of War hopefully provides enough content to both keep long-time players involved and newbies interested in Heroes of the Storm. Vengeance-seeking Alarak will be making his debut in the Nexus, bringing a sinister arsenal of abilities to the table. An Assassin hero specialising in close combat, Alarak spits lightning at foes, before dicing them with his deadly energy blades and superior fighting skills.

Heroes of the Storm: The Machines of War - Alarak

A range of StarCraft-themed character skins will also be added for existing characters, including Kerrigan's Queen of Ghosts skin from the trailer, and the Butcherlisk. You'll also be spilling futuristic blood over new maps, from holding out against a Zerg Rush in Braxis Holdout, and to dropping nukes in Warhead Junction. 

And finally, Overwatch's Zarya will also be joining the fray. While not a StarCraft character, Zarya's style fits the technological bent of this update, and the Russian woman will join Tracer in being only the second Overwatch character to grace Heroes of the Storm

Free update The Machines of War launches September 13th. Heroes of the Storm is available for free on Blizzard's Battle.net service

What character will you be grabbing for Heroes of the Storm? What would you like to see added to Heroes of the Storm? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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When I'm not writing on TechRaptor, you can normally find me on YouTube pulling stupid faces under a silly pseudonym.