Sales of Dead or Alive Xtreme 3, the volley-ball themed game that features Dead or Alive characters in racy swimsuits with tan-lines, has been released.
According to Koei-Tecmo, which has released their 2016 fiscal year report from March, gave us hard numbers of how the game is doing. The results; Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 saw 190,000 sales in Japan and Asia, combining both the PS4 and PSVita versions of the game.
The website Gematsu did a comparison to other games released by Koei-Tecmo before the end of March; with DOAX3 being the third highest game sold by the company by the end of the fiscal year- only Attack on Titan, which will receive a North American release soon, and the downloadable Dead Or Alive 5: Last Round, which is currently available worldwide, outsold the title with 280,000 and 600,000 sales, respectively.
This data may include numbers from Play Asia, who have noted that Dead Or Alive Xtreme 3 has broken pre-order records for them before the games release on March 24th.The game is currently still available at Play Asia, for the price of $69.99.

Additionally, Dualshockers has reported that DOAX3 had a patch for the game released today, which includes two new DLC bikini sets, the Eel and Peanut line. Patch 1.04 also fixes some game crash bugs and makes a change to the games design; allowing players to grind for the new bikini sets with in-game currency, called Zack Dollars, instead of paying real money for them, in the form of Platinum Tickets.
Previously, fans were upset over Patch 1.03 altering how new bikini sets were unlocked, forcing players to pay $5 a piece for the bikini in different colors, along with the women in-game refusing the bikini as a gift, which costs players more money to re-gift the bikini to the characters.
So are these good numbers for Dead or Alive Xtreme 3? What do you think about the new patch changes? Leave your comments below.