let it die pc

Die Again on PC in Let It Die This Fall

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Published: August 11, 2018 10:20 PM

Grasshopper Manufacture's free-to-play hack-and-slash RPG Let It Die is coming to PC this fall. Initially released on the PS4, it was released by Grasshopper after they were acquired by GungHo Online Entertainment. After its 2014 release, it took several years and updates to work its way past 4 million players earlier this year. There's currently no word on if progress and other statistics will be shared with the PC version, or if there will be cross-play between the platforms. With the fall period looming, it should only be a matter of time before we know when we'll get to play Let It Die on PC.


An action RPG, Let It Die offers a wacky, post-apocalyptic modern world with some twists on the formula. You wake up in an abandoned subway station, greeted by a skateboarding grim reaper called "Uncle Death." From there, you're slowly introduced to the Tower of Barbs, a towering labyrinth that sprouted after part of Tokyo broke off in an earthquake. From there, you fight monsters, collect weapons, armor, food, and clothing, and do your best to stay alive. For in Let It Die, if you die, you lose all your unsaved progress, and your character becomes a phantasm that haunts the worlds of other players. Clearly aping the difficulty of Dark Souls, Let it Die managed to garner mildly positive reviews despite its difficulty and free to play nature, getting a 75 on OpenCritic.

Still, one of the major exceptions reviewers noted were the freemium mechanics ingrained into Let It Die. With the permadeath mechanic in play, if you get particularly attached to a character, you can spend "Death Metal" to revive them. Death Metal can be acquired slowly in-game, or you can spend real money to skip the grind. As the difficulty scales the higher you go, the ever-present temptation to slot money into a free-to-play game became worrying for some, Yahtzee of The Escapist included. Not only that, but GungHo has reportedly added more ways to spend the basic currency while severely reducing the rate of premium currency gain. This only furthers the separation between players who pay and those who don't: by paying, you can shoot respawn power through difficult bosses and gain even better gear.

Still, Grasshopper Manufacture has a knack for creating intricately weird worlds filled with a colorful cast of characters. They, alongside brainchild Suda51 developed the incredible Killer7, which also saw release on PC earlier this year. They were also behind the No More Heroes games for the Wii, Killer is DeadLollipop Chainsaw, and many other games. Reveling in brutal violence is one of Grasshopper's defining traits, something that Let It Die does not shy away from. If you're looking for your free-to-play Dark Souls fix, check out Let It Die when it comes to PC this fall.

Kyle Johnson
| Japanese Gaming Specialist

Professional painter. Semi-professional weeb. I've played hundreds of games, but finished very few. I speak Chinese and Minnesotan.

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Release Date
December 3, 2016 (Calendar)
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