In a Reddit post on the Battlefield V subreddit Community Manager, u/PartWelsh posted information outlining updates that are headed to the game. The largest of the changes has to do with the removal of dedicated playlists for two game modes in Battlefield V: Frontlines and Domination. DICE isn't thrilled with the low player count the two modes have been having and that their "preference is to ensure that we are adding to the fun rather than creating frustration and that the always-on game modes in Battlefield V meet our own expectations in terms of quality."
The post goes on to explain that DICE is going to be more proactive with game mode removals so that they can focus then on "featuring, developing, and improving newer and refreshed experiences like Rush, Grind, Fortress, and Outpost." Hopefully, this means that alongside any removals that happen in the future new or redesigned modes will not be far behind. With Domination, the post explains that DICE feels that fans of the mode can look to Squad Conquest as a suitable replacement going forward, which will be expanding to add Mercury, Narvik, and Devastation in the Summer.
As for Frontlines, it will continue to exist only now within Grand Operations. It will still be a joinable mode that players can access through the Server Browser. For Frontlines they are looking at the moment to possibly reworking the mode to introduce again and are also looking at putting it into Tides of War. There should be an update on the plans for Frontline and possibly other game mode news sometime late this June, according to the post. The post also mentions that Breakthrough and Grand Operations are being talked about to see if there are any improvements they can make to those modes, but they will remain the same for now. The changes will start going into effect today, May 29.
How do you feel about the removal of underpopulated game modes in the hopes of getting new or redesigned ones in the future? How do you think they could have addressed the game modes issues without removal?