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Devolver Digital Cancels Public Access Area At E3

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Published: June 5, 2017 1:10 PM

Devolver Digital has had to cancel a public access area for their indie picnic at the Electronics Entertainment Expo according to a post on the company's website.

E3 is set to be open to the public for the first time in the event's history. The first Electronics Entertainment Expo took place in 1995 and has run yearly since then with minimal interruptions, but it was typically considered an industry event off-limits to the public; only game developers and press were able to attend. Devolver Digital had planned to run an "Indie Picnic" which would have included the Devolver Public Access area featuring food, music, and selection of curated games from the company and their partners in the endeavor across the street from E3.

Unfortunately, Devolver was unable to secure the necessary permits to run the event as originally planned. The company expressed their regret in their statement, along with their apologies:

Our disappointment runs deep that we are not able to utilize the additional space we leased specifically to be able to host the fans who bought E3 wristbands this year. Opening up more space for the public to experience a unique and memorable celebration of games was something we very much wanted to do for fans who, like us, love video games. We are saddened that we will be unable to share that with them but look forward to working on future opportunities to do so.
E3 attendees with Industry badges and press who already have appointments will still be able to meet with Devolver Digital and see the games as planned. Featured alongside them will be their partners and sponsors Gambitious, Indie MEGABOOTH, Logitech, and NVIDIA. In the meantime, public ticket holders will be able to see the Devolver Public Access livestream on the company's official Twitch channel and on monitors at the show.

E3 2017 is just over a week away - be sure to check out our Coverage Hub and to keep your eyes on the site for all of the latest news from the event!

What do you think of Devolver Digital canceling the public access area for the indie picnic at E3? Were you looking forward to getting hands-on with any of the titles the company would be showcasing at the event? What else are you hoping to play or hear about from E3? Let us know in the comments below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N