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Destructive Creations' New Game Takes On ISIS

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Published: February 9, 2016 11:23 PM

Destructive Creations, the developers behind the controversial Hatred, are looking to take on ISIS in their latest game. IS Defense is a Turret Defense game set in the "fictional year" 2020 (good to know we'll just skip from 2019 to 2021)  where ISIS's expansion has gotten out of hand. ISIS has taken over all of North Africa, "spreading their genocidal understanding of the world's order." As ISIS starts its invasion of Europe, you play as a NATO stationary machine-gun operator defending the shores of Europe from an ISIS invasion. 

IS Defense Gameplay

You're task as the NATO gunner Destructive Creations puts it is to "blast as many of the invaders as possible, until his glorious death." You will have access to a machine gun and rocket launcher as well as different support options such as artillery, airstrikes, helicopters, and infantry. You'll also be able to upgrade your character, machine gun, rocket launcher, and support through "skills".

Destructive Creations says IS Defense is their "small side-project" and their "personal veto against what is happening in the Middle East nowadays." From the trailer the game looks like a pretty standard turret game, only now with ISIS. It remains to be seen if this will further Destructive Creations' attempt at "resurrecting a pretty dead genre of games," Hatred was a mediocre game that mainly used the controversy surrounding it to speak for it rather than the game itself. From the gameplay trailer it looks nice enough, but the gameplay is where IS Defense will have to prove itself as more than a game cashing in on a topical subject and likely controversy. 

IS Defense will be releasing on the PC sometime in the second quarter of 2016, and is looking to get onto Steam Greenlight. If you're interested you can pre-order the game for 6.66€ on Destructive Creations website here, and vote to bring the game to Steam Greenlight here

Kyle Downey TechRaptor
| Staff Writer

Staff Writer looking to keep you both informed and entertained. Favorite games include: Pokemon, Overwatch, Golden Sun, Portal, and Elder Scrolls.