The livestream reveal for Destiny’s third expansion, Rise of Iron, was congested with upcoming news and features. The stream thrillingly began with a cinematic trailer that featured the Iron Banner’s own Lord Saladin leading a pack of wolves against an onslaught of Fallen forces, who appear to be infected by a technoplague. The expected list of features were confirmed by Bungie, a campaign featuring engaging questlines and a cinematic story, cooperative and PvP features, and a new set of armor and weapons.
This was a reveal that provided both good and bad news to those who have been playing Destiny during the last two years. All players who purchase Rise of Iron can expect to receive the powerful Gjallarhorn as a quest reward, with those who pre-order receiving a sleek, black model of the rocket launcher. A release date of September 20th was also provided, along with the expansion’s $30 price tag. PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 players will be less happy with the news as Bungie announced that it has no plans to create new content and expansions for last-gen consoles. Rise of Iron will only be released as an expansion for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, with last-gen players being able to transfer their characters over to the newer generation of the same line (PlayStation 3 to PlayStation 4 and Xbox 360 to Xbox One).
The success of Destiny’s “year 2” expansion, The Taken King, included an improved cinematic experience, which appears to be continued with this upcoming expansion. Rise of Iron’s story brings players back to Old Russia where they must follow in the steps of the Fallen Lords in order to fight against a newly re-awoken menace. This will span across a set of revealed locations on Earth, The Plaguelands, Felwinter Peak, and The Wall. Cooperative and PvP events will also be included in the form of a new raid, strikes, patrols, and a fresh batch of maps, and game modes. Also teased was a deeper lore system which will provide more knowledge on Destiny’s mystic and futuristic world. More news and revelations about this ambitious follow-up to The Taken King can be expected to occur during this year's e3 conference.