More Destiny 2 leaks have surfaced prior to Bungie's scheduled showcase, and these ones might just be valid. We may now know what the name of the newest season will be, what each chapter is called, and which raid is coming back around.
Via Twitter, data miner Josh Hunt posted what he believes to be Season 18's title, where he states,
"Season 18: Season of the Plunder. - Raid: Kings Fall - Story: Ketchcrash, No Quarter - Activities: Expedition, Hideouts."
The photo above shows the product page details that Hunt found, with the help of fellow data miner Ginsor, who is known around Twitter for their leaks as well. On top of the leak pertaining to the Season 18 title, Hunt also posted a Schema of Bungie's product page with headers for the expansion Lightfall, which are:
- Our End
- Strand
- Outrun
- Editions
- Collectors Edition
These headers are interesting, as we saw a few leaks and rumors circulating that "Strand" would be the name of the new subclass that has been in development. In regards to the raid that would be coming back into the game, last year Bungie mentioned that the raid would be "coming soon" but gave no further detail as to which one it might be. But, according to the leaks here, it would appear that the King's Fall raid would be the one making its valiant return.
What's more, this leak came mere hours after the Fortnite x Destiny 2 crossover skins were leaked. Though we didn't know there would even be a crossover until the data miners leaked said information, it appears that Bungie will be teaming up with Epic Games to create Fortnite skins such as the Titan, Warlock, and Hunter from Destiny 2. Though no other information was revealed, such as how many outfits or characters will be added to Fortnite's roster, there are several variations that could come from this collaboration.