Agents of Mayhem

Deep Silver Volition's Agents of MAYHEM Releasing in August

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Published: April 3, 2017 1:30 PM

What are your gaming plans for the summer? Fans of developers Deep Silver Volition (makers of the Saints Row series) will want to make room in their gaming schedule for their upcoming game Agents of MAYHEM. The release date for the third person action game has been revealed as August 15th for the USA and August 18th in Europe. Check out the latest trailer below to get a feel for what the game will be like.

Agents of MAYHEM is set in the metropolis of Seoul, South Korea where a ragtag group of fighters must work together to stop the evil Dr. Babylon. A horrific event called Devil’s Night has left the world in chaos and a team of super villains called LEGION has taken over. The group of twelve unique agents will do whatever it takes to put a stop to them, even if it means causing a lot of collateral damage in the process.

The Agents of MAYHEM aren’t exactly heroes, in fact they're more like bad guys, but in the wake of Devil’s Night they’re the ones to put a stop to LEGION. Made up of a diverse group of fighters, players will get to switch between three of the twelve different agents included in the game - all with their own weapons, skill sets and personalities. Choose from characters ranging between the bow wielding immunologist Rama to thief Fortune or mini-gun toting Daisy. Each has their own strengths and weaknesses making them suited to different missions.

Agents of Mayhem

Agents of MAYHEM is an open world, single player, third person, action game full of the over the top humor Deep Silver Volition has become known for. Available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC gaming systems, pre-ordering the game will give players “Cosplay Skins” DLC and the day one edition will have a “Geek Out Skins” pack. Agents of MAYHEM will be available on August 15th in USA and August 18th in all other territories.

Are you looking forward to a new open world game from the Saint's Row creators? Let us know what you think or play 'name the 80's TV theme tunes featured in the trailer' down in the comments. 

Alexandra Joy Taberski
| Past Author

Alexandria is a former Staff Writer at TechRaptor, who specializes in coverage of mobile games, RPGs, and JRPGs primarily, and has an unfortunate aversion… More about Alexandria

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Agents of Mayhem
Game Page Agents of Mayhem
Deep Silver
Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC
Release Date
August 15, 2017 (Calendar)
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