On January 29 Death Road To Canada developer, RocketCat Games announced a huge new "AORTA" update for the game. The update brings a lot of new content to the game, as well as a host of minor changes and bug fixes. Some of the biggest new features and additions include:
- "cheevos" or achievements
- a new final trading camp
- a recruitment system for use in trading camps
- new characters
- new traders
- new events
- "Lots of new weapons! Including AIR HORNS and Healing Spray!"

In the announcement, the developers gave brief descriptions of some of the new events, characters, traders, recruits, and systems added to the game. One the new events is described as "Dog Poop. There's a box of food rations, but a dog has taken a poop on it. May God have mercy on our souls." The Wizard, Lab Technician/Reptiloid Alien Kip, Head Transplant Doctor, Rare Book Seller, Soothsayer/Wizard, Lynn, and the Witch were added as Rare Traders.
New characters that are now recruitable that were added include Cat Lady with the ability to summon cats and a character that is basically Rick Grimes from the Walking Dead. the new systems they added were also talked about such as being able to access the car trunk to store weapons while in camp, an outdoor location with your car, or the city. They have also added a new stat screen in the INFO menu. The new weapons added cover a wide variety of types, with Claw Hammer, Knitting Needle, Fire Poker, and MEGAMAUL being some of the new weapons added. Another nice part of the update is new glasses are now available, "hats for your face" as the developers put it.
Besides the addition of new content, balance fixes, bug fixes, and normal quality of life fixes were added in the update as well. One change of note is the recolor of "Red Crosses" to "Green Crosses" because as the developers say, "because I guess they're trademarked." making obvious reference to the recent trouble the developers of Prison Architect ran into with the Red Cross. You can find all the changes and additions to Death Road to Canada here.