Capcom have announced Dead Rising 3 will be coming to steam. The E3 trailer revealed it will be released in the summer of 2014.
Originally an exclusive on Microsoft's X-box One developed by Capcom Vancouver. The game was released in November 2013. There is a precedent for X-box "exclusives" to be on PC as well. For example Titanfall is often thought of as a X-box exclusive even though it is on PC. Microsoft don't seem to be bothered about a game being on PC, just as long as it isn't on a Sony console.
Microsoft Studios did help publish the game, but they do not own the Dead Rising name, so this news could mean at some point in the future it could also show up on the PS4.
The franchise is known for its over the top take on the zombie genre first came out back in 2006 with the first game only ever appearing on the X-box 360. Development was switched to Blue Castle Games, who are now known as Capcom Vancouver for the sequel released in 2010 which appeared on the 360, ps3 and PC.
Any PC gamer that is a fan of Dead Rising will no doubt be happy to be able to play the once X-box One exclusive. This also seems like the type of news Capcom would get out of the way just before E3 so they can concentrate on showing new games.