Dauntless Update 1.5.5 has gone live, adding Private Hunting Grounds to the game and several other changes. Unfortunately, it also looks like some players are having a problem with the new Dauntless update.
Dauntless is a free-to-play, co-op action RPG developed by Phoenix Labs and created by former developers from Riot Games. Mankind is on the brink of extinction as it tries to fight massive "Behemoths" in a ruined land. Now, a brand-new update has arrived that should let you experience the game's hunts without worrying about whether your teammates are pulling their weight.
What's New in Dauntless Update 1.5.5?
The big addition in Dauntless Update 1.5.5 is Private Hunting Grounds, a new feature that has been deployed in response to player feedback. You can now start a Private Hunt on any Hunting Grounds Island; this will ensure that only the people in your current party can come along for the ride. And yes, this also counts if you're the only person in the party — you can totally have a one-player Private Hunt if you'd prefer.
Aside from this new content, the Dauntless developers have made efforts to address crashes and fixes. A second round of changes has been implemented to further reduce player disconnects. The previous effort reduced disconnect rates by 75% according to Phoenix Labs and they're hoping for this latest update to improve things even more.
Console players aren't being left out in the cold, either. The Nintendo Switch should now have improved performance for Escalation Hunts. Unfortunately, the Okshai and Sporestruck Embermane shock visual effects had to be temporarily removed to fix a crash on that console.
Although there have been a few improvements in the Dauntless Update 1.5.5, it looks like a problem has crept in, too — the game's official Twitter is reporting that some players are having issues accessing the training island. Phoenix Labs is currently investigating the issue.
You can read about all of the changes and fixes in the full Dauntless Update 1.5.5. patch notes. If you haven't yet tried this game out for yourself, you can play Dauntless for free on PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch right now.
What do you think of the addition of Dauntless Private Hunts? What issues do you think the developers need to address next? Let us know in the comments below!