In one of the more unique art styles and different use of mechanics within the genre, Darkest Dungeon hit the Steam store with a good hype behind it, despite the fact that the game was in early access. The game launched in February of this year, and originally target an October date for full release. They chose the date mostly for the theming of October and Halloween, but also to avoid the AAA rush that November and December brings. That was moved to December at one point, but with the passing of a developer's family member, the date has been pushed back. However, the Darkest Dungeon team has officially announced that the game will release on January 19th, 2016. At that point, players will be able to take their team of adventures into hell, as the title image of this article points to.
And in the release at that time the name-sake area of the game: the darkest dungeon. While there will be content updates before then, like the Abomination hero being added sometime toward the end of November, this will be the first time that players can officially complete the game. The Abomination is a special hero that was designed in collaboration with the Lord tier of the Kickstarter campaign for the game, and is described as a "bloodthristy" class. In addition, the monsters designed by backers will also been seen in the update along with the Abomination. As to details on what you'll find in the final dungeon, well, let's let a twitter exchange answer that question:
As to the future, the Darkest Dungeon twitter account had more information. After the launch of the game, they plan on adding a merchant class, as well as supporting the game post launch. They also gave a hint that they hope to have the Playstation 4 and Playstation Vita versions of the game done in 2016, but are prioritizing the Steam release before anything else.
Quick Take
Good to see a date on this, and quite honestly, I'm been trying to hold back to play it all at once at this point. There's been plenty of good updates of course, and while I normally don't get hyped for game releases, I am really looking forward to how this game will wrap up in the end. If you haven't tried it, it's definitely worth your time, and deserves a look right now even in its Early Access state.