The creators of the immensely successful platformer Super Meat Boy, Team Meat have teased their next project. The game will be called A Voyeur for September. They have released a cryptic teaser trailer that includes live action and sad music playing throughout.
The website for the game seen here has no other info, all it has the the teaser video. Team Meat has said that they will be debuting the game at PAX Prime at the Indie Megabooth. One interesting thing to note is in the listing for the game on the Indie Megabooth website, the game is described as a "A new live action stealth game from Team Meat." Another thing to note is that it has been pointed out A Voyeur for September is an anagram of Super Meat Boy Forever.
It was known that Team Meat was working on a game called Mew-Genics though they have announced that the project was put on hold for the time being.
PAX Prime starts on August 29 in Seattle. Expect more info for the new game to come out then.
Source: A Voyeur for September Website
Source: Indie Megabooth Listing