A shot of cartoony comic platformer Marsupilami: Hoobadventure

Comic-Inspired Platformer Marsupilami: Hoobadventure Announced

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Published: May 25, 2021 11:31 AM

Microids has teamed up with French developer Ocellus Studio to create a new colorful comic-inspired platformer. Marsupilami: Hoobadventure draws on the work of French comic artist André Franquin and is coming to PC and consoles later this year.

What can we expect from Marsupilami: Hoobadventure?

Microids says its new platformer is for "young players and adults alike". You play as three of the titular Marsupilamis as they accidentally release a ghost that curses their friends. It's up to them to embark on an adventure to find the ghost responsible and fix the curse before it's too late. What follows will be a colorful odyssey through a range of different locations including an abandoned temple, a lush jungle, and a coastal city.

One of the three player-controlled Marsupilami creatures facing a platforming challenge in Marsupilami: Hoobadventure
Marsupilami: Hoobadventure is set to offer plenty of traditional 2.5D platformer thrills later this year.

Gameplay-wise, Marsupilami: Hoobadventure will be a 2.5D platformer aimed mainly at younger gamers. You'll have access to a range of moves including melee punches, dashes, and swing maneuvers to help you traverse levels. Although the game isn't geared as much towards adults, it does come complete with a Time Attack mode, so if you want to challenge yourself while playing it, you'll have that option. In addition, levels will be sprinkled with collectibles and other goodies to find, all of which will contribute to an artwork gallery you can unlock.

You'll be able to get your hands on Marsupilami: Hoobadventure when it launches on November 16th this year. The game will be available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. It'll also be playable on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S thanks to the wonders of backward compatibility. This looks like it'll be one to watch if you love Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair and you're looking for your next platforming fix. We'll bring you more on this one as soon as we get it.

Are you looking forward to Marsupilami: Hoobadventure? Have you read the comics it's based on? Let us know in the comments below!

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for several years, and in those years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph