Bandai Namco Entertainment America Inc. has officially announced the game they were teasing earlier this week, Code Vein will be released in 2018. Code Vein is a 3rd person action role-playing game set in a not too distant future from God Eater developer Shift. When released the game will be available for major home consoles.
After a mysterious disaster, the world has fallen into a dystopian existence. Players will enter the hidden society of Revenants called Vein. They are given gifts of power in exchange for their memories and a thirst for blood to help them survive the new grim reality. Those that give into the bloodlust become ghouls stripped of their humanity known as Lost.
“CODE VEIN provides a fresh anime aesthetic and bloodcurdling gameplay twists to the popular 3rd person action RPG genre,” said Eric Hartness, Vice President of Marketing for BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment America Inc. “The talented development team at BANDAI NAMCO Studios is creating a tightly crafted experience filled with plenty of challenge that our fans crave along with a smart and engaging story that is sure to draw players deeper into the world of CODE VEIN. Let the feast begin!”As a Revenant players and a companion must recover lost memories and find a way out of this horrific existence. Travelling through connected dungeons players will encounter dangerous enemies and bosses as well as the myriad of Lost that roam through the world. Players will need to coordinate with their companion to defend each other and combine their strength against such foes.
Enhance your own abilities by using Blood Veils, a device that drains the blood of your enemies and lets you use it for yourself. Create your own play style by choosing preferred weapons and gifts to use. Gifts grant special abilities that can change your form thereby increasing strength, weakening enemies, and utilizing new weapon abilities with overpowering attacks.
You can learn more about Code Vein at the Bandai Namco website here. It will be released for consoles in 2018 and has not yet been rated.