Sentry game announced cover

Co-Op Action Defense Shooter 'Sentry' Arrives 2023

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Published: April 21, 2022 5:22 PM

If you like tower defense games and first-person shooters, you'll want to check out Fireblade Software's Sentry game when it launches in 2023.

Tower defense games and action-defense games run the gamut. There are plenty of unique spins on this gameplay like Forge Squad and The Riftbreaker. Now, Fireblade Software has cooked up a stylish new take on the genre -- here's your first look at Sentry!

Sentry is part first-person shooter and part tower defense, with a dash of FTL: Faster Than Light added into the mix. Humanity is fleeing from an alien threat and things just got a whole lot worse: alien invaders are flooding into your spaceship. It's up to you to protect the ship from the onslaught and protect your precious cargo.

Players will have an automatic rifle to deal with threats, but your gun alone will not be enough. That's precisely why you're also equipped with a bunch of cool defensive sentry turrets, traps, and other gadgets to fend off the bad guys.

Based on the press release, it looks like this game is aiming to be a little more ambitious than your average action defense game, too. Various sections of the ship are under attack and you'll have to choose where and how you'll meet the enemy. Will you let a less-critical subsystem fall in order to mount a better defense elsewhere, or do you think it would be better to confront the enemy right away? Sentry won't just be about shooting waves of alien invaders -- it will be about tactical decisions, too.

Sentry Release Date slice

When is the Sentry Release Date?

The Sentry release date will be sometime in 2023. A more specific release date has not yet been announced.

You'll be able to play this game by yourself or in co-op with a friend when it launches sometime next year. For now, you can add Sentry to your wishlist on Steam and you can learn more about its developer on its official website.

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N