Boss Key

Cliff Blezinski's New Game Studio

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Published: July 5, 2014 4:06 PM

Earlier this week Cliff Blezinski, director of the famous Gears of War series, announced his return to the game industry via twitter. After promising more information to come, "CliffyB" delivered today unveiling his new game studio "Boss Key Productions". Boss Key Productions plans to announce their first game July 8th.

Given that a game of any size takes a considerable amount of time to make, let alone the lengthy process of starting a new company, it would seem Mr. Blezinski has been working on this well in advance of his surprise announcement last week. It looks like we will be seeing CliffyB's next game much sooner than we anticipated. Reportedly, the company was founded between Cliff and business partner Arjan Brussee; former producer at EA and Guerrilla Games co-founder. As of now, the website gives little information outside of the company logo, as well as twitter links for Blezinski, the company, and "Bluestreak". While it remains unknown what Bluestreak is, it undoubtably is related to the mystery game "Silverstreak" that Cliff teased in the past.

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Avid shooter and platformer fan. Coffee is the only power up I need. In the spare time I have I will listen to more podcasts than has scientifically been… More about Bryan