A lot of us late twenty to early thirty-somethings have fond memories of PS1/N64 era graphics. While they may be hard to look at now (seriously don't buy the PlayStation 1 classic, I promise you it's not what you remember, let alone the emulation issues) its always nice to see early 3D games get a much needed revival on modern hardware. But if you're like me and you still remember Leon Kennedy looking closer to a Roblox man than a highly detailed Leonardo DiCaprio look alike, you'll be glad to hear that Resident Evil 2 Remake will feature a low poly throwback skin DLC. In a Japanese launch event held by the game's developer Capcom, it was revealed that Resident Evil 2 Remake would get additional retro themed costumes that mimic the original games character models. The seemingly free DLC will be available to Japanese players at the games launch to as a bonus item for the purchase of a PSN gift card and then free for everyone else on March 22nd.
Not to be confused with previously confirmed costumes that are based on the original game's designs, these skins will look exactly like Leon and Claire did when Resident Evil 2 launched back in 1998. These costumes join a long list of retro, concept, and new designs for the game's protagonists such as a film noir costume/black & white filter, an Elizabeth Walker outfit for Claire, and even a giant hunk of Tofu. In the video below you can watch the entire Japanese launch event the retro costumes are revealed around the 1-hour mark.
If you're interested in knowing more about Resident Evil 2 Remake look out for our review soon or check out my first-hand impressions of the game from back at E3. If you actually want to play the game before its release later this week, be sure to check out the free "One Shot" demo available, you'll be one of the 3 million gamers who have taken a quick stroll through the games iconic police station.
What do you think about this DLC? Is it worth doing a second playthrough of the game as a ps1 era looking Leon? Will the silliness of these costumes ruin the horror for you? Are you ready to get got by that alligator in the sewers again? Let us known the comments below!