Heroes of the Storm Chromie

Chromie Comes to Heroes of the Storm Today

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Published: May 17, 2016 10:45 AM

Blizzard Entertainment is deploying a new hero to the Heroes of the Storm live servers today! Chromie, a bronze dragon from the time-bending Bronze Dragonflight who is usually in her Gnome form, is a ranged assassin that uses her time powers to trap her opponents. You can watch her ability spotlight below, but I will go through her abilities below that if you can't watch the video for some reason!


Her main gimmick is her Time Walker trait. This trait allows her to gain levels and talents one level sooner than other heroes, making this very fragile hero very dangerous, very quickly because she'll gain access to her heroic abilities one level ahead of everyone else.

Her first basic ability (Q) is Sand Blast. This ability summons a ball of sand you can send towards enemy heroes. This ability will go through enemy minions and mercenaries and will only hit enemy heroes. 

Her second ability is Dragon's Breath (W). This ability sends a barrage of sand to a target location, damaging enemies in a small radius. Usually, Area Of Effect abilities are communicated to enemy players via an indicator, but this ability won't. This means you'll be able to get the drop on enemy players and surprise them when and where they least expect it.

Her third and final basic ability (E) is Time Trap. This ability spawns an hourglass that stuns and traps players for a short amount of time when they walk through it, allowing you to make a quick escape or allowing your friends to take down the enemy hero. 

Her first Heroic ability (R) is Slowing Sands. This ability summons a large radius of shifting sands that slow down enemy heroes for as long as they're in it. This ability will remain active until Chromie runs out of mana, or until she cancels it. The longer you keep this ability up, the stronger its slowing effect will be. 

Her second Heroic ability (R) is Temporal Loop. This ability binds an enemy hero to a location, sending the hero back to that location you've bound them to after a short duration. This is perfect for trapping fast heroes in one place, or making sure that Abathur can't escape to the safety of their base. 

Chromie will be coming to Heroes of the Storm's Nexus at some point today!

What do you think of Chromie and her ability set? Let us know in the comment section below!

Chris Anderson
| Staff Writer

I've been playing games since I was just barely able to walk so I might as well write about them.