Many A True Nerd Choose Your Own Apocalypse

Choose Your Own Apocalypse Created for Fallout NV

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Published: April 17, 2016 10:12 PM

YouTuber Many A True Nerd has made an interactive Choose Your Own Adventure experience for Fallout: New Vegas called Choose Your Own Apocalypse.

You can find the starting video below:

Choose Your Own Apocalypse allows you to make choices in the playthrough by selecting on-screen annotations or clicking a link to one of the choices in the Description box of each video. Annotations and Descriptions don't work terribly well on mobile, and for that reason Many A True Nerd has recommended that you play Choose Your Own Apocalypse on either a desktop or tablet environment.

The choice videos themselves are unlisted and labelled as "Page ##". Going by the titles alone Choose Your Own Apocalypse has dozens of videos - I've seen it as high as "Page 78". Reports on the /r/ManyATrueNerd subreddit's discussion thread for the video (as well as my own quick test run) indicate multiple endings for your character that can be successful, deadly, or downright hilarious. Videos that reach a dead end (one way or another) have a "Start Over" annotation that takes you back to the first video. There are also 16 ways to die in Choose Your Own Apocalypse including alcoholism according to a tweet by the author.

A project that comprises of dozens of separate YouTube videos (short as they are) would be a massive undertaking, and according to Many A True Nerd the entire endeavor took him 36 hours of work over three days. Aside from doing it for fun and out of a love of Goosebumps Choose Your Own Adventure Books, Choose Your Own Apocalypse was created as a break between the completion of Many A True Nerd's Fallout 3 You Only Live Once run and the start of his next Let's Play series that will involve Fallout: New Vegas.

Many A True Nerd is probably best known for his Fallout-related content. He specializes in interesting Let's Play runs of Fallout games such as his ongoing "No Guns" run of Fallout 4his "Don't Starve" run of Fallout: New Vegas, or his recently completed You Only Live Once run of Fallout 3.

What do you think of the idea of Choose Your Own Adventure experiences on YouTube? What game would be perfect for a YouTube Choose Your Own Adventure? Let us know in the comments below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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