Ubisoft's blog, appropriately named, Ubiblog, released a making of video for their upcoming classic-RPG inspired game Child of Light. Set to release April 30, 2013, Child of Light will be available to download on PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PC and Wii U for $14.99.
After watching the making of video I was astounded and mesmerized at how incredibly beautiful this game looks. The UbiArt engine, the same engine that brought us Rayman Legends, seems to create a world of watercolor. In the video, a concept artist states that bringing the world to life is as simple as creating concept art and plugging it into the engine.
The game is modeled after a classic fairy tale about a young Princess, Aurora, coming of age and saving her kingdom. The beautiful art work, exploration, and combat mechanics seem to provide vast content for a decent price.
The next video was released back on March 5, 2014 and shows co-op gameplay. Aurora was stolen from her home and brought to the kingdom of Lemuria, here she must battle the Queen of the Night and her minions, as she and her glowing guide, Igniculus, try to return the Moon, Stars and Sun to their rightful homes in the sky. The game looks majestic and enthralling- I can not wait to play this one.