Capcom Pro Tour 2015

Capcom Cup 2015 to take place on December 6th.

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Published: August 15, 2015 10:16 AM

The Capcom Cup, the final competition in this years Capcom Pro Tour 2015, will be taking place at PlayStation Experience (PSX) on December 6th in San Fransisco. The event will offer a $250,000 prize pool with the winner being rewarded $120,000.

The Capcom Pro Tour is a tournament circuit in which the best Street Fighter players from around the world battle to qualify for the Capcom Cup. The players have been taking part in a year long tournament circuit in hopes to gain enough points on the pro tour leaderboards to be one of the 32 qualifiers that will take part in the Capcom Cup event. The total prize pool for the Pro Tour is set at $500,000, the largest in the history of Street Fighter.

The Qualifying events for the tournament are taking place now, with upcoming events including CPT Asia finals, The Canada Cup and the SoCal Regionals. The results from the qualifiers we've seen so far are not unexpected.

Taking first place in the current standings is EG|Momochi, the winner of the USFIV main stage tournament at EVO 2015 with 1300 points. Momochi is flanked by Infiltration in 2nd place with 756 points and AVM|GamerBee in 3rd with 692 points. The top 10 standings also include MCZ|Daigo Umehara with 546 points and winner of EVO 2014 MD|Luffy with 452 points.

Screenshot from the CPTA qualifier finals.
Screenshot from the CPTA Shanghai qualifier finals. Credit: GameStart Asia.

The Capcom Pro Tour will conclude with the CPT Asia finals which will take place on  11/13/2015 in Singapore. For more information on upcoming events check out the CPT schedule.

With The Capcom Cup taking place only a few months before the release of Street Fighter 5, it is likely that this will be the last major competition with USFIV as the main event.

Quick Take

With EVO 2015 been and gone it seems like people are now looking forward, past SFIV, focusing intently on SF5. With more character announcements on the horizon, Capcom’s drip feeding of content news has proved very successful in generating hype even outside of the core fighting game community. This might also have something to do with Street fighter 5 supposedly being more accommodating to new players, toning down some of the harder mechanics such as one frame links and the focus attacks from SFIV. The Capcom Cup will probably mark the final chapter for Street Fighter 4 fans before Street Fighter 5 becomes the new default for competitions.
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I am a UK based game/tech writer person. Also, I share a name (barring one letter) with a famous actor who I am not sadly.