As Capcom continues to work on Street Fighter V and Season 2 of its improvements and additional characters, the company has announced dates for the next Capcom Fighters Network beta.
Capcom Fighters Network is the multiplayer hub where you can take on fighters in Street Fighter V from around the world. The beta will run between May 11th and 14th and will be available to everyone on PC and PS4 regardless of if they own Street Fighter V or not.
During the beta, Capcom hopes to not only stress test their new system, but to also show off a variety of new features and balances. Below are the list of the following updates that players will be able to see:
- Rage Quit Penalty System - The icons for worst and most honorable players will be working correctly and will match those who rage quit with other rage quitters
- Ranked and Casual Match Loading Times - When going into either style of match there will now be a reduced loading time
- Battle Lounge Country Flags - When browsing all of the lobbies in the Battle Lounge country flags will now load allowing you to find nearby competition
- Matchmaking Improvements - The amount of time to find an opponent should be reduced, there is also a reduced chance of taking on the same person too frequently
- Fighter Profile Stats - More stats are now being tracked
- Country/League Based Rankings - You can filter the leaderboards with country and league to get a better sense of where you fall
- Friend Management System - With an expanded friend system you can add players as friends, follow them for updated, and also blacklist if you come across someone you'd rather not play with
- Interactive Timeline - This timeline will work to show friends activities, you can then add matches to your replay list, view fighter stats, and more
- In-Game Announcer Voice - The announcer will give you stats about both you and your opponents
While you're playing in the beta you will also have access to the next DLC character, which at this time has not been officially announced. After the end of the beta, this character will become unavailable and all fight data for them will be deleted. The information that won't carry over includes fight money, progress, and replays.
What do you think of the changes that Capcom is implementing for the next version of the Capcom Fighters Network? Are there any glaring issues that you feel they should be focusing on? Share your thoughts in the comments below!