Elder Scrolls Oblivion PSP

Cancelled Elder Scrolls PSP surfaces

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Published: May 17, 2016 4:30 PM

Once upon a time in the earliest days of the seventh console generation, there was a lot of interest in a mobile Elder Scrolls experience. However, when it was announced there were doubts. How could they possibly make an Elder Scrolls game that worked on the PlayStation Portable with only one thumbstick and hardware limitations?

Apparently quite decently, if one user on Neogaf is to be believed.

Over the past week, a different user on Reddit has posted and continued to elaborate about his discovery of the cancelled title, which was called The Elder Scrolls Travels: Oblivion.

While the title was an Elder Scrolls game, it was not an open-world experience that players have come to expect from the series. Instead, due to the PSP's inherent capabilities, it was a hub world game that was apparently so big that two discs (UMD's) were being discussed for the title.

Going by Unseen64's page of the title, the hub world included "various vendors, NPCs, and story characters" with the player using a teleportation 'crystal' so that they could to go to the "explorable areas of the game." Apparently, the hub world would 'change and react' to things that the player did for each explorable area, and each area was designed with "multiple paths to be explored that were open or closed depending on which quest was active." 

Apparently over 180 quests were developed for the title, and the game was due to be released in Spring 2007. However, due to a combination of factors, such as a lack of time, money and some fatal decisions, such as switching engines mid-development. 

While the game was cancelled, there apparently was a lot of content completed, as the aforementioned Neogaf poster posted footage from January 2007 build, (which has since been deleted by Zenimax) and is quite close to the 'Spring 2007' release date for the title. 

The Redditor has promised that the game will be posted "internationally very soon". Who knows how much of the title is actually playable, but it promises to be an interesting few weeks for Elder Scrolls and PSP fans nonetheless.




What do you think of the Elder Scrolls PSP? Should there be a mobile Elder Scrolls for the Vita, 3DS, or Tablets? Let us know in the comments!

A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick