Bungie's community boss, Eric Osborne, has gone on the record saying that, "[he] doesn't have any trouble saying that The Taken King is well more than twice as much content as the Dark Below."
In an interview with IGN, Eric has defended the monstrous $40 price tag for Destiny's upcoming expansion, The Taken King, “We’ve got the Dreadnaught, which is not just a big new destination to explore, it’s really deep and layered, there’s tons of little secrets and things you can collect [and] riddles and clues and stories and quests and quest logs and more guns and more gear and exotics."
On top of the added game items, they have also replaced the dumped Peter Dinklage's voice of your ghost, with that of Nolan North of Nathan Drake fame, including all original dialogue, as well as the new DLC story. On top of this, there is also a 2.0 Patch being released. More information can be found here.
If the concept of a 40 dollar DLC doesn't tickle your fancy, you can buy the full edition on all consoles, as well as a limited edition PS4, which if you have yet to pick up Destiny, is probably your best bet. The trailer for the DLC is available below.
Quick Take
I am a bit of a die-hard collector when it comes to games. I like physical copies. As a result, I find DLC very hard to swallow. I understand its place and the point of it, but when a single DLC is 40 dollars, it had better be the best thing I have ever played, and it should wash my car while it is at it. The physical release with the original game, and all three DLC is a bit easier to get over, but as someone who already owns the original game, and the two DLC, that really isn't an option for me.
If you would like a more in-depth analysis on the Destiny DLC, and its impact on the players, read this article by Andrew Stretch.
What do you think? Are you gonna buy the DLC? Is it overpriced? Are you gonna expect some pizza rolls delivered on its release? Let me know below.