All Rise for Femida!

Bring Justice to the World in All Rise for Femida!

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Published: December 31, 2019 2:00 PM

The urge to defend the innocent and lock up the bad guys to protect the society and community from the power of evil definitely crossed your mind as a gamer before. Well, there are a couple of titles to scratch that itch, and you can add the latest All Rise for Femida! to the list. The title comes from the developer Art Interactive team, who aim to involve you emotionally in the story with your own personal struggles as you unravel the mysteries of the seven cases at hand.

You are put in the shoes of Judge Daemon Mardoch as he takes on the role of the opportunity it presents alongside helping him solve his mysterious father's disappearance during the revolution. All Rise for Femida! adopts a non-linear detective storyline, as they "challenge players to steer clear of cognitive biases and uphold the presumption of innocence as they navigate a variety of cases and scenarios." The game won't present you with simple choices, instead, it will put you in morally questionable positions where you will have to decide the right thing to do from your perspective.

  • The story is tailored to your choices. Well, not really but there are multiple endings
  • Seven crime cases to be judged. All the sines you like
  • Read the reactions to your sentences and learn what's happening in 3 newspapers, each with different points of view. The most trusted news sources in the State
  • Find your father. We knew you liked a thousand plots about it before
  • Keep in touch with your family by letters. At least here she will text you first
  • You can call people using an oddly satisfying rotary dialer. Pranks, hoaxes, and threats
  • Beautiful illustrations. 2 frames or no animation whatsoever
  • Dating sim. Cheat on your in-game waifu
  • Try human flesh. Or the flesh will...try you?
  • Old fashioned Quest/text adventure. It's actually a visual novel
  • Politically incorrect and dark humor. Bad humor. The jokes are like... really bad

All Rise for Femida! open beta features the first three criminal cases in the game and will be available on on December 18, 2019. As for the full launch, developer Art Interactive aims for January 7, 2020.

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