A listing for Bioshock Infinite: The Complete Edition was discovered earlier today on GameStop.com as well as Amazon's Canadian site.
Since the listings were found, 2K has confirmed to GameSpot that the game is indeed making its way to the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC later this year. If the retailers' release date is accurate, "later this year" will be Tuesday, November 4th and the price is $39.99.
Bioshock Infinite: The Complete Edition will include Clash in the Clouds expansion, Episodes 1 & 2 of the Burial at Sea expansion, as well as the main campaign itself. Other digital content included takes the form of weapon and item packs--Bioshock Infinite Upgrade Pack, Columbia's Finest Pack, as well as the Industrial Revolution Rewards Pack.
Previously, the Industrial Revolution Rewards Pack had only been available to players whose pre-orders of the original game granted them access to a Flash-based puzzle game, Industrial Revolution. Players who completed the Flash game were awarded codes that could be redeemed in the game to unlock rewards--most notably, three pieces of exclusive gear. The game was shut down more than a year ago, and all download codes have since expired, so it would appear that Bioshock Infinite: The Complete Edition will be the only place to get these rewards.
All content in this upcoming edition of the game will presumably be included on the disc, as was the case with Bioshock Ultimate Rapture Pack, rather than as a voucher to redeem the content online.