It has not been a smooth launch for BioShock: The Collection, with many users reporting issues across all three platforms.
On PC, there has been a lot of complaints of a lack of customization options, and trouble keeping the game up and running. There are next to no graphical option, which on a PC is something that really needs to be in there to cater for the wide swathe of different configurations, but the biggest sin by far is having extremely noticeable mouse acceleration, with no easy way to turn it off, a common issue with console games with PC ports. Thankfully, these options can be configured by delving into the ini files, which begs the question why they aren't in the options menu to begin with. If you are affected by the lack of options and wish to know how to fix it, I recommend this reddit thread. But, unfortunately, it doesn't end there, other users are having trouble keeping the game running, or even getting the game to stay full screen, somewhat of a problem if you ask me. If you want to see more, including some crashes and issues, our streaming team streamed some of it and uploaded it to our TechRaptor Plays youtube channel.
Moving onto the Xbox One and PS4, anyone trying to stream BioShock: The Collection from the comfort of the consoles will notice a big ol' no pop-up. 2K Games' support site gave the following explanation: "If you're playing BioShock: The Collection, there's a good chance you'd like to stream your adventures in Rapture and/or Columbia. Unfortunately, streaming BioShock: The Collection isn't an option right now. We will update this article should this situation change." Considering how let's plays were part of the marketing campaign for BioShock: The Collection, this seems to be exceptionally bad form.
Quick Take
This is not a good look for 2K Games. First botching a HD upgrade to the point where the game barely works, and then disabling streaming on consoles, even though they used lets players to market the game. It just seems like the testing and marketing department dropped the ball unbelievably hard on that one.
What do you guys think? Will you be getting that sweet steam refund? Will you be using the old versions instead of the remasters? Do you hate going through ini files? Can you give me a logical reason why they disabled streaming on consoles? Let me know in the comments below.