A Beyond: Two Souls TV series is in production, with star Elliot Page's production company Pageboy Productions set to develop the adaptation, although it's unclear whether Page himself will star or not.
Per a Deadline report, the adaptation is currently in early development, and it's expected to follow the same storyline as the game, which tracks Page's Jodie as she comes to terms with the supernatural powers that allow her to see and communicate with a mysterious entity known as Aiden.
Page says that Beyond: Two Souls represented "one of the most challenging and fulfilling acting experiences of [his] career", and that the goal is to "create a unique vision of the characters" in what he describes as a story with "rich narrative and emotional depth".

Alongside Page as Jodie, the game also starred Willem Dafoe as paranormal scientist Nathan Dawkins, a researcher working to understand the nature of Jodie's powers.
Deadline's report doesn't state whether Page or Dafoe will be returning to star; the production is still fairly early on in development, so it's possible that actors haven't been cast yet.
Quantic Dream's David Cage says he's "absolutely thrilled" to be working with Page on the Beyond: Two Souls TV show, and that Page "has all the talent and instinct to make it something really unique on TV".
Whether Page himself is as thrilled to be working with Cage is less clear. Back in 2015, it was reported (note: this article is several years old and uses Page's deadname) that he explored legal action following his discovery that Quantic Dream had made a fully rendered nude model of his in-game character without his permission.
As for what's next for Quantic Dream, the studio, which was acquired by Chinese gaming giant NetEase in 2022, is currently developing adventure game Star Wars Eclipse.
Announced during the 2021 Game Awards, the studio has been relatively silent about the game since; it still has no release date or even vague release window, so it's likely to be some time before we hear from it again.
That's also true about the Beyond: Two Souls TV show, given how early in production it apparently is. Stay tuned for more on that, and in the meantime, you can check the game out right now on PS4 (and PS5 via backwards compatibility) and PC.